
星期三, 1月 04, 2006

Omega 3 & Omega 6/ EFA

忙於資料收集,因哥哥食開Nordic Naturals’s Children DHA已經年半都不大見效而且都就來吃完,那便用上網找找。

發現“Pure Omega 3 (DHA and EPA alone) will not provide the same dramatic results as those who supplement with an Omega 3/6 formula” 。

Cherab Foundation 網頁裡所獨家代理的 ProEFA Jr. Nordic Naturals 的成份有(每日兩粒,age 3 up):
DHA: 98 mg
GLA: 36 mg
EPA: 148 mg
OA (Oleic Acid): 102 mg
Other omega-3: 73 mg
Borage Oil: 180 mg
LA (Linoleic Acid): 76 mg
Vitamin E: 13 IU

找到香港的代理(IMI Limited),可惜只有DHA Junior和Pro EFA,沒有我想要我Pro EFA Junior. 而新的DHA Junior應該好過哥哥之前食開的Children DHA,成份如下:

Each 250-mg soft gel capsule contains:
DHA: 35 mg
EPA: 22.5 mg
Other Omega-3: 12.5mg
Vitamin A: 44-97.5IU
Vitamin D: 0-2IU
Vitamin E: 0.5IU

現時在香港現推廣的Eye Q的成份差不多(初期每天四粒之後兩粒便可以,age 5 up is better):
Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) 186mg
Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) 58mg
Gamma Linotenic Acid (GLA) 20mg
Natural Vitamin E 3.2mg

HI-EPA Fish Oil, Evening Primrose Oil Capsules shell (gelatin, glycerol), Vitamin E (as D Alpha tocopheryl acetate).

如果以"能買度",當然是Eye Q,找了總代理問,大盒賣HK$360,有間藥房開價HK$380,買多盒都沒有折扣。反而我問另一間如買多盒可以減到HK$320/180柆!

HoME健康醫藥 |



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