
星期三, 2月 15, 2006

Spirulina 螺旋藻

前幾天經細妹介紹,得知“Spirulina” 這種健康食品。那便周圍去找尋這方面的資料,結論是,食了應該沒有什麼負作用,而它的成份又好像維他命丸,那便試?!

在網上找到一間比較信得過的大生產商“Earthrise”,在香港又有代理,便買來試試!剛巧又 on sale,比其它牌子平好多!




螺旋藻SPIRULINA 是屬於藍藻類的一種鹹水藻類植物,在顯微鏡下呈螺旋狀,故稱為螺旋藻。螺旋藻存在地球已有30億年以上,是地球上最古老的生物之一,具有高水溶性及消化性。

螺旋藻是目前世界上已知營養最豐富的植物性營養素,其在有機成份的組合上,主要成份為含有約60%-70%的蛋白質,7%水份,10%左右的礦物質,還有豐富的葉綠素、胡蘿蔔素等人體所需的營養成份,脂肪的含量卻只有5-7%。 相較於另一種屬於淡水植物的綠藻,其蛋白質的成份相差不多,但綠藻卻含有10-30%的脂肪,而且綠藻有著堅硬的外殼,不易被消化吸收,而螺旋藻的細胞膜是由類似澱粉質的果膠所構成,食用後很容易被消化吸收,其消化可達80%以上,比綠藻高出一倍,故食用螺旋藻遠比綠藻營養效果好很多。

螺旋藻SPIRULINA 被譽為“二十一世紀最理想的食品”; 是維持好身材的天然素材!

螺旋藻SPIRULINA 富含葉綠素,豐富的微量元素鐵,鉀,鈣,鋅,銅與維他命B群beta-胡蘿蔔素,維他命B群如葉酸,B1,B2, B6, B12,去氧核糖核酸DNA,RNA,藻蛋白,次亞麻油酸GLA等多種營養素. 可以幫助新陳代謝更完整。

藍綠藻含高達60-70%更容易被人體吸收的植物性蛋白質,沒有動物類脂肪和膽固醇的顧慮。富含人體必需的八種氨基酸和多種維他命。由於來自海洋, 因此也含有10%各種微量的礦物質, 並含有Υ 亞麻油酸與 β胡蘿蔔素等重要的營養素。

螺旋藻SPIRULINA 大概有8-12%的膳食纖維,水溶性膳食纖維和非水溶性膳食纖維的比率相當,因此在飯前食用螺旋藻配上一大杯水,可以增加飽足感,減少該餐進食的份量,幫助維持消化道的機能。

此外,螺旋藻SPIRULINA 含有60-70%的蛋白質,可說是一種優質的高蛋白質食品,因此螺旋藍藻能夠幫助人體攝取活動的必須能量,並提供支持基礎新陳代謝所需要的營養。螺旋藻SPIRULINA 配合適度的運動,可以促進新陳代謝。


功用: 螺旋藻SPIRULINA 幾乎包含了許多營養保健食品的功能,對於追求好身材與素食者更是優質的蛋白質與維生素替代來源。


服法: 每日服6粒,多寡可視個人體質作調整。 調整體質:每餐後服用2~3粒,每日2-3次。
兒童營養補給: 每餐後服用1~2粒,每日2-3次。

Earthrise Nutritionals Inc 是全美植物營養補充劑銷售冠軍產品,也是全世界藍綠藻(螺旋藻)的第一品牌。Earthrise的生產地位於陽光充足,氣候溫暖的美國加州海岸,使用純淨無污染的海水,以確保最佳的品質與最穩定的產量。 美國製造

Earthrise? Spirulina Natural? nutritional supplement is green superfood that promotes longevity and immune defense. Earthrise Spirulina Natural promotes immune health and provides antioxidant benefits.*Eat your Spirulina greens for good health.*

Supplement your intake of fruits and vegetables with 1 serving of Earthrise Spirulina a day - equivalent to 3 - 4 servings of common vegetables a day in terms of antioxidant content (beta-carotene).

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Key Features
Rich in antioxidants
More than 60% easy-to-digest, all-vegetable protein
Rich source of phytonutrients
Rare food source of the essential fatty acid GLA
Easy-to-absorb iron
Ecologically grown in the United States (Southern California)
Grown on mineral fertilizers, just like wild Spirulina
Pesticide and herbicide free (non-toxic)


3 gram serving per day is equivalent to 3 - 4 servings of common vegetables a day in terms of antioxidant content (beta-carotene)
Strengthens the immune system*

Spirulina contains a variety of carotenoids which work in synergy as antioxidants, protecting our cells from the damaging effects of free radicals. The two most important carotenoids are beta carotene (which is known to promote cellular health) and zeaxanthin (which is know to promote eye health).* Earthrise is the world's largest producer of Spirulina and is #1 in green foods units sold in the United States. For over two decades, Spirulina-based products have been our sole focus. All our products are grown, harvested and packaged to meet the highest standards of quality.

Supplement Facts:
Serving Size: 6 Tablets (3 g): Amount Per Serving %DV

Calories 10
Total Fat 0.2 g
Total Carbs. 0.5 g
Protein 1.7 g
Vitamin A 4000 IU (100% Beta Carotene)
Vitamin K 16 mcg
Riboflavin (B-2) 0.08 mg
Niacin (B3) 0.43 mg
Vitamin B12 2.8 mcg
Iron 1.7 mg
Phosphorus 30 mg
Magnesium 9 mg
Manganese 0.09 mg
Chromium 2.8 mcg
Sodium 15 mg
Phycocyanin 420 mg
Chlorophyll 30 mg
GLAa 30 mg
SODb 15930 IU
Total Carotenoids 8 mg
?-Carotene 2.4 mg

Zeaxanthin 2 mg
Other Carotenoids 3.6 mg
Spirulina (Arthrospira) platensis 3 g
Each tablet contains 500 mg of Earthrise Spirulina Natural.
Other Ingredients: Vegetable stearated and silica.


Blogger NewLife said...

Thanks for your sharing, do you still
eat Spirulina 罗旋藻?
I saw some in the Chinese Supermaret
also in New york city and I bought
a bag but don't know what to do with
it yet. Any suggestion ?

12:22 下午  


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